Highlights - Board Meeting - Oct. 12, 2021
The Abbotsford Board of Education regularly meets throughout the school year. Agendas and minutes from the public Board Meetings can be accessed through the District's Electronic School Board. Below is a summary of highlights from the meeting. To do our part to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and for everyone's safety, all public meetings of the Abbotsford Board of Education will be closed to the public and held virtually until further notice. The meetings will also be live-streamed.
Toti:ltcha Future Learning Plan - Restart Strategy
Superintendent Godden presented a high-level summary of where the district stands in relation to the work of Toti:ltcha, our future learning plan. This included updates on health and safety measures, COVID-19 notifications, and discussions around reviewing a potential COVID-19 vaccine mandate.
A motion was passed THAT the Board of Education direct staff to review and report on the implications of a vaccine mandate.
Communications - Progress Report
Manager of Communications, Kayla Stuckart, provided a progress report to the Board on district Communications for the 2020-21 school year. The progress report highlighted key achievements and projects, signs of success and progress, and addressed some challenges to improving internal and external communications across the district during the pandemic.
A motion was passed THAT, with respect to the Abbotsford School District’s 2020-24 Strategic Plan and Communication Goals, the Board of Education finds that the school district is making reasonable progress toward achieving desired results.
Human Resources - Progress Report
Associate Superintendent of Human Resources, Michele Radomski, provided a progress report to the Board highlighting achievements related to Strategic Goals 9, 10 and 12 in the 2020-21 school year. The progress report outlined specific performance measures along with an update on operations of the Human Resources Department during the pandemic.
A motion was passed THAT, with respect to the Abbotsford School District’s 2020-24 Strategic Plan and Human Resources Goals, the Board of Education finds that the school district is making reasonable progress toward achieving desired results.
First Quarter Financial Report
Secretary-Treasurer Velestuk provided the Board of Education with updates on First Quarter Financial Report.
Capital Project Update
Secretary-Treasurer Velestuk provided the Board of Education with updates on the seismic project at Abbotsford Traditional Secondary and construction progress at Irene Kelleher Elementary, the new school on Eagle Mountain.
Enrolment Report
Secretary-Treasurer Velestuk provided the Board of Education with an update on the enrolment summary for September 2021. Final confirmation of enrolments will be completed in late October.