Student Handbook & Code of Conduct


*Please see the attachment at the bottom of this page*


 About Our School

Terry Fox is a public K-Grade 5 school located in central Abbotsford. We have 12 divisions of students this year and approximately 280 students. Terry Fox has a diverse group of students. Approximately 35% of students are English Language Learners/Multi-lingual, 10% are Indigenous and 10% are on IEP. Our students are kind, creative and curious. Our teachers provide programs that are strong on SEL (social-emotional learning ex. How to make a friend, how to deal with frustration, how to solve problems) and encourage students to take an active role in their education. We promote hands-on experiences, inquiry-based teaching methods and encourage students to use a variety of ways to show they understand learning goals. We offer a number of supports for students and families, including a full time Youth Care Worker, Arabic translator, Counselor, Learning Support Services, ELL Teacher, and food supports (daily breakfast and lunch are available for students who need it). We have a special fund this year to provide additional supports to parents as well. Please talk to you child’s teacher about the supports you would like to access or for ways to volunteer or help out at the school.

Important Dates 2022 2023.docx


At Terry Fox we are striving to

Build respectful and trusting relationships throughout the school community
Create inclusive, equitable and harmouious classroom cultures that make students accountable partners in their own leanring
Develop each child’s curiosity, creatity and self-discipline as we joyfully explore curricula together
Work with families as a collaborative team of hopeful authentic and compassionate educators



  • We ask that parents not send their child to school sick. Please consult with your medical professionals or call 811 for medical advice
  • At school, students will work in small groups to keep their social groups small.
  • Students will be taught to “keep hands to self” and social distancing will be encouraged. There will be minimal physical contact rules.
  • Frequent hand washing or hand sanitizing will be encouraged
  • Rooms will be well ventilated with open doors and windows
  • Each class will be assigned their own bathroom stalls for only their use
  • Students are not to share food or bring food for others. The only food that will be given to students will be in compliance with district health and safety regulations.


ACCIDENTS: If your child is seriously injured at school, we will contact you and ensure your child receives first aid or medical attention. When we are unable to contact a parent it is our policy to contact an alternate. If necessary, a student may be taken straight to the Abbotsford Regional Hospital.



If your child will be late or absent from school, please contact SafeArrival - SchoolMessenger before 8:40 in the morning. More information for SafeArrival can be found under the "Contact Us" tab and then report an absence in the drop down menu.

If your child must leave school early, please let us know by giving us a phone call, or sending a note to school. If you would like another person to pick up your child, please let your child's teacher and the office know in advance. We cannot release children to adults without your consent. We also have a sign-out system if you are taking your child home early for any reason.



Cell phones are not permitted to be used during school hours. Students with cell phones should keep them in their bags, unseen for the school day. Students are able to use the school telephone with permission from their classroom teacher or the office.


  • Emergency Fire Lane: Any of the yellow locked gates are used for emergencies. This is an area that must remain clear in case of an emergency.
  • Disabled Parking Space is for use by those with a disabled parking tag displayed in your front window.
  • Area in front of school is for small buses and activity vans that are picking up children for daycare purposes or school trips. 
  • No Idling – please respect the signs.
  • Avoid blocking the driveways of homes in the neighborhood
  • Please respect our orange-vested staff who monitor the parking lot. They are here to protect our students.



Students are asked to be aware of traffic when riding/skating to and from school. Students should wear helmets and other protective gear. All students upon entering school grounds must walk their bikes/scooter and remove roller blades (proper footwear should then be placed on feet). During the winter, sledding must be done with a helmet.    



There are five reports per year. The Ministry of Education requires three formal reports, one at the end of each term. The other two reports are informal in nature and often are accomplished through a Parent/Teacher Conference and/or Interim Report. 

Parent/Teacher Conference is a very important meeting between parents and teachers. You are always welcome to connect with your child’s classroom teacher(s) regarding his/her progress.  


The quality of education in our school is greatly enhanced by parent help. If you could spare some time each week to work at the school, please let us know of your interest. School-wide events, and Literacy support are two areas that always benefit greatly from parent assistance. Volunteering on class and school field trips is another way to help. All adult volunteers are required to complete a Volunteer Application, obtain a district approved criminal records check and sign a Volunteer Agreement.  Parent chaperones are asked to complete applications well in advance of field trips. We hope that you will understand that protecting the safety of your children is our primary concern.

Terry Fox Volunteer Info and Application Form

 Dress Code: Dress for Success!

Students should:

  • Wear shoes to be active in
  • Leave clothes at home that have logos or words that promote alcohol, tobacco or inappropriate language/pictures
  • Dress appropriate for the activities of the day (ex PE class) and for going outside. Our students go outside in the rain, snow, wind and sun.



 Depending on the seriousness and frequency of student conduct, there is an escalation of notification. In general, the first person to notify parents of a concern will be the classroom teacher. Should the offences or concerns continue, the Principal will become involved and direct interventions and support. Depending on the severity of the concern, the Principal may involve Police or School District officials. Parents of victims will be given the identity of the student who has caused harm if the problem is ongoing or deemed serious. A meeting between parents may be requested.


 Each student has the right to make a complaint against another student without experiencing retaliation for any breach of the code of conduct
When students are faced with a situation where another student’s actions have impacted them, we advice them to “walk, talk, then squawk” – walk away from a person bothering them, use their words to say “stop”, then tell an adult if the person does not stop.


School Code of Conduct is on the school website
Student expected behaviors are taught and posted in the halls and classrooms of school


Helping Your Child to Learn to Self-Regulate

When children are angry or sad, they may communicate their feelings in ways that are not helpful.

Here are some tips for you, as a caring adult, to help your child learn to manage their responses to situations that make them angry, frightened, or sad:

  • Help your child to recognize what makes them feel angry or upset, including their thoughts, and what their body is experiencing physically (clenched fists; tight stomach, gritting teeth, racing heart; hot face; raised voice)
  • Model how to handle anger yourself – state your feelings when you are upset and show them how you use calm down strategies yourself
  • Communicate with your child (duck down to their eye level; give them the words to express their upset: “I can tell that you are sad because it’s time to go home”); be firm but gentle in correcting behaviours; redirect your child
  • Have your child draw or colour to ease, or to express, their frustrations
  • Help your child to breath properly: Sniff the flower, blow out the candle slowly 10 times
  • Go for a walk, and let your child know you’re ready to listen when they are calm, and ready to talk
  • Have a special spot/room where your child can retreat to (pillows, stuffies, books, a rocking chair can help to soothe a child); play calming music if this helps
  • Children need to learn that we don’t always get what we want immediately in life. They also do well when taught they need to earn rewards. Ex. First you clean your room, then you will get a treat.
  • Approach our staff if you need more ideas/help




Our PAC (Parent Advisory Council) needs you!!! Our PAC meetings are held on the last Wednesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. 

Get involved with your child’s school – you’ll be amazed at the difference this makes in your child’s attitude towards school!!!

 How to have a great day at Terry Fox?   Be kind. Be safe. Do your best. Learn something new.