Websites for Kids!
Check out these fun websites for kids!
Turtle Diary - Interactive games for every age!
Up to Ten - Interactive educational Website for primary
ABCYA – Love these literacy & math Games – Grades 1-5
Learn34- go to this webpage to acces Accelerated Reader (AR Quizzes), learn360, access learning and other websites
Starfall -an early reading site with games and books K-2
Wordle Solver - an entertaining letter puzzle with addiction guarantee. As a fan of crossword puzzles and word games
Fun Brain - reading video-like games like Mad Libs Junior.
Book Adventure - a free reading program where kids in grade K-8 can search for books, read them offline, come back, take a quiz and earn prizes for their reading success. You do need to sign up with an account.
MightyBook - A selection of animated stories and songs. Wow!
Cool Math For Kids; Math Practice and Games
Numbers and Operations – base ten blocks, fractions, money, number lines Grade 3-5
Geometry – tangrams, geoboards and more Grade 3-5
Measurement – clocks, geoboards (for measuring perimeter & area) Grade 3-5
Multiplications Grand Prix – Arcademic Skillbuiders Games – Fun!
Math Skills Binder – flash cards & quizes for addition, subtraction, mult. & division
I Like 2 Learn – Map quiz site
First Voices – Languages of Canada’s Indigenous people
National Geographic Wildlife Films
Make Beliefs Comix - make comic strips!
Bone - make more comic strips!
National Gallery of Art (U.S.) Kids Galleries
First Nations Education
Kids Stop Games - Test your memory or tour Turtle Island to discover some interesting facts about First Nations, Inuit and Métis culture! Make a Cruncher to learn fast-facts about Aboriginal people and check out some inventions by First Nations and Inuit in our Did You Know section!
A Journey into Time Immemorial (by SFU) - A Journey into Time Immemorial' is based on the story of Xá:ytem Longhouse in Mission BC in the Fraser Valley just east of Vancouver BC. Explore a Longhouse through this interactive site.
Longhouse - Build a Longhouse in this interactive game.
Puzzle Games – World’s best resource for puzzling
Chess - Always a great logic game
Battleship - Perfect for practicing mapping co-ordinates