Registration Forms
You can pick up a registration package from any Abbotsford School District school or download the forms from the links below.
Registration for Kindergarten students will commence the end of January each year, until the end of the first week of the following school year (September).
Proof of age of the child by birth certificate is required for all new student registrations (schools will make a photocopy). To ensure the child being registered qualifies for Ministry of Education funding, the biological parents/legal guardians’ status and the biological parents/legal guardians’ residency need to be established. Schools may register the child providing the following are established:
- At least one biological parent/legal guardian is a Canadian Citizen by birth or naturalized (obtained citizenship) and they can support this with the following pieces of identification: Parent’s Canadian Citizenship Card; Parent’s Canadian Birth Certificate; and Parent’s Canadian Passport.
- The biological parent/legal guardian must provide proof of residency, and provide ONE of the following: Utility bill; Mortgage document; Property Sale Agreement; Property Tax Notice/Assessment; Rental or Lease Agreement.
- In addition ONE of the following four documents containing the name and address of the parent/guardian is required: Child Tax Statement; Government Notice of Assessment; Current Year T4; Government document (eg. MSP bill).
- Notification if the child has attended school in the Abbotsford School District in the past OR is coming from another school district OR if there is a sibling who has already been attending school in the school district.
- You will also need to provide your child's CareCard, and your doctor's name and phone number, and other required documents as determined by the school.
Please visit the Abbotsford School District website for the most up-to-date forms for registration.